Thursday, January 8, 2009


One step forward and I could chase you through time,
One step backward and I lose you forever,
One small step
One small step.


Dawn fades away, the hours
Whiled by, used well or wasted
Parts of eternity neglected.
Noon pass and dusk approaches,
This day has been beautiful.

I cannot turn back the clock and
Rush for tomorrow with the undones of today
Still, this day is gone and never will it return.

The dreams that I have is unpredictable.
May or may not be what was planned by God
For tomorrow’s path is unknown.
Still another day will come across and pass away as usual.
Unless I realize that time won’t wait
And seize the hours to wring its nectars,
My dreams will be but dreams.

May I use your gift well
Before evening dusk brings death to this golden day
Help me to make the most till my strength dies away.
For the path ahead of me will end sooner or later
And I shall receive the fruits of what I did,
Or emptiness of what I neglected.