It’s been a long time since I wrote anything anywhere. That’s besides the usual tiresome official reports. I guess in all the frantic pace of life, I have lost touch with someone that should matter the most – I, me and myself. Work does that to me so very often and well, life goes on. So when I got some time this morning to clean up the clutter in my room, I was amazed to see so many books gathering dust, books I’ve bought and had not even got the chance to put them on the shelves, forget about reading them; more than thirty movie dvds I’ve bought and not watched, some still packed in the carry bags and clothes that I’ve not even thrown away the price tags occupying all the space in my jumbled up wardrobe. Seriously, for me, this is a time for a breather, to declutter, retrospect and move on…
For someone who makes acquaintances very easily, friends very rarely and a couple of best friends who’re also geographically thousands of miles away, I’ve failed many a times to keep in touch with my cherished ones although almost all of them keep checking up on my well being and are always there for me, no matter how apart we maybe physically. I usually tender silent thank- you’s to all those who’re constantly a part of me but I know this is not done. I’ve so many dear ones to whom I should pay a visit and a lot more phone calls to make. It is said that people will forget what you said, what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Someone close to me had once remarked that I’m too lost in my own weird little world, and know what, turns out that he’s absolutely right. And I thank everyone for putting up with my idiosyncrasies…
Days go by but not the memories and I do realize that I own everything about me; my dreams, my hopes, fantasies and fears, my triumphs and successes and I own all my failures and mistakes as well. There are many more things to write, but I’ll do so later and I hope to write more often. For now, I’ve promised to take out an old friend for coffee who’s come over for the hornbill festivals and I really had no time to play host earlier. No matter how busy I am, I should not forget to live the life that still exists anyway…
Ps : Christmas is round the corner and I hope to reach out over the holidays :-)