Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is for all those alumni of Kohima Science College, Jotsoma who have fond memories of the years gone by…be it bunking classes or the corridors, the tiny momo and puri hotels in the junction, those lecturers with their own peculiarities to the tedious practical classes or the college weeks and the fresher/parting socials…

Of late, the College authorities have been trying to contact some alumni, besides those who are already teaching in the College. And that is how few of us, who are posted in Kohima, have been meeting quite a few numbers of times in the Principal’s Office room in the past few months. The main motive of the meeting has been to form an Alumni Association keeping in mind that the College would be commemorating its Golden Jubilee in 2011. Authorities feel that the Alumni Association should play a big role in the events/activities prior to the Golden Jubilee celebrations. Of course, the purpose of the Association will not end there; it would only be a start to many years of pleasant camaraderie…

After a very informal discussion, the Kohima Science College Alumni Association has been formed initially with the following as Office bearers:
President – N. Renthungo Jungio
Vice President – Dr Atshu
General Secretary – Avelu Ruho
Asst Gen. Secy – Asangla Imsong
Treasurer – Rongdensungla Longkumer
This initiative is just a humble foundation and after the Association gains some momentum, we expect other alumni to come forward with support, suggestions and opinions to build up and strengthen the Forum. Very soon we hope to carry out a membership drive so that the Association can reach out to everyone and be aware of their presence…

The College is also planning to organize a Winter Fest some time in November this year where one day would be solely dedicated to the alumni. It would be a day when alumni from various batches would get together to interact, dine, catch up with long lost friends or just pick up the guitar and sing the College anthem all over again…Anticipating the best, let us volunteer (for those who can) and join hands with the College authorities to make the day into a beautiful reality.

We have embarked on a modest beginning and with your assistance and support, we shall go a long way. If you are an alumnus, do inform friends about this episode and give your best efforts to be present in the upcoming meetings/programmes. I, on my part, would also continue to post information about the latest happenings as far as I can. The College website will be launched in a couple of days and that would also provide us more insights…there will be a page for the alumni too…

Having spent my entire life in Jotsoma, the place seems more or less the same to me, nothing much has changed and life is as idyllic as can be…Even the potholed ride from PR Hills to the College is bumpy and jarring like never before…and those two antique College buses are still running proud…Its just that the young crowd in the campus seem more colourful, effervescent and more and more Korean…Sounds inviting ? Come and relive your college days all over again...


  1. the alumni association of KSC is very much over due.
    better late than never......
    all the best for all the future endeavours

  2. hi am the student of ksc 2007 batch
    i miss the frends and lecturers of ksc.

  3. Atlast...the fond memories of ksc will live on.....long into the blue!!

  4. thanks for reading...a lot more things will be happening in few months time and so hope to have a wonderful reunion of the KSCians :)
