“Dear Diary,
I have a dream, yes like any other. And my dreams do not aspire for the ultimate utopia because I believe that there can never be an ideal world free from any predicaments. I believe in the old adage that ‘small drops of water make a mighty ocean’ and I dream about everyone contributing their bit, in whatever ways possible, to make this little world of ours a safe haven, for the present as well as for the future generations. I believe in You and Me. And I believe that we can change things for the better only when our ways of thinking are transformed.
I dream of a better world where I can be myself, where I can be understood for who I am. How nice it would be if people do not have to be told what to do because they would have already known what best to do in any given situation, be it at work or in our day to day living. I dream of a place where we would shed our selfish attitudes and start being compassionate by putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes and be guided by our hearts.
I dream of a place where people can be people and not beings that are turning back to savagery; a place where we get a chance to live as ‘humane’ beings. Many of our souls are being sucked away either by the necessity of survival or by meaningless ambitions. Where then can we find that small flame of hope that would keep us from stumbling in the dark?
I have a dream that the world would be filled with joy; children laughing, playing, dancing and singing when they can no longer hold back their souls; a place where we all can dream and make those dreams come true; where we don’t have to wait for a brighter tomorrow because we have a happier today.
And Dear Diary, I wish all of us can walk down life’s road in one direction, walking hand in hand, side by side. If only we could just Forgive, Forget and Believe… And yes, most importantly Dear Diary, I want a piece of heaven right here, right now. Have you seen it? Have you caught a single piece of happiness lately? I believe that I should Look, Believe and Smile and catch a piece today, my very own little piece of heaven.
Sealed with Hope…”
(Written for the MEx 'I have a dream' campaign)